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Will the front panel USB input charge my iPod/iPhone/iPad?

These Rotel devices will charge iPods and iPhone models, but will not charge an iPad if it is connected via the USB port.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RA-11 | RA-12 | RA-1570 | RC-1570 | RCX-1500 | RDD-1580 | RDG-1520 | RSP-1572 | RSX-1562 | RT-09

Will the front panel USB input charge my iPod/iPhone/iPad?

Yes, these Rotel models feature a 2.1A charging circuit that will charge iPods, iPhones and iPads via the front USB port.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A12 | A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RAP-1580 | RC-1572 | RC-1590 | RSP-1582

With the 12 volt trigger connected, the amplifier’s standby LED does not turn off when the preamplifier is shut down.

This is normal operation; as long as AC power is present the amplifiers standby LED will always remain on regardless of its current power state. A visible sign that the amplifier is turning off or on is the protection circuitry should engage briefly when the amp is powered on or off by the triggers.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RB-1050 | RB-1070 | RB-1072 | RB-1080 | RB-1091 | RB-1092 | RB-1510 | RB-1552 | RB-1552 MkII | RB-1562 | RB-1572 | RB-1582 | RB-1582 MkII | RB-1590 | RKB-250 | RKB-2100 | RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1075 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1077 | RMB-1085 | RMB-1095 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512 | RMB-1565 | RMB-1555 | RMB-1575 | RMB-1585

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