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What is "TV MODE" and "AMP MODE" on my Rotel surround receiver?

The TV MODE and AMP MODE setting on several Rotel products is a feature that would allow you to choose whether you want the sound for your system to play through your Home Theater speakers or through your TV's built in speakers. This may come in handy if for example you are watching TV late at night and don't want to have the theater system on as it may be too loud or dynamic.

When the system is in AMP MODE it operates as you would expect, when the system is on audio is routed to your home theater speakers as expected.

When the system is in TV MODE, all audio output from the Rotel receiver is muted, and instead the audio is sent out the HDMI output of the receiver to be played through your TV speakers instead.

You can switch between AMP and TV mode via the On Screen Menu (VIDEO/HDMI menu), or using the PIP and POP keys on the RR-1061 remote as well.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RSP-1069 | RSP-1570 | RSP-1572 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562

What is a DSP?

Found in most home theatre receivers/processors, Digital Signal Processing attempt to recreate particular surroundings such as a jazz club, stadium, or church, to name a few. Some manufacturers load up their equipment with a bunch of these sound fields. Rotel, however, prefers to keep them to a minimum, for those who wish to experiment. We believe music should be reproduced faithfully to the original performance. When a musician records an album, it is usually done in good ol' fashioned two-channel stereo, not in an electronically reproduced sound mode. Moreover, it is not realistic to think someone can transform their living room into the same acoustical characteristics as an intimate jazz club or a large outdoor stadium. Multi-channel DVD concert discs, DTS music discs, and DVD-Audio will provide a much more realistic atmosphere over even the most sophisticated DSP modes.

What is a Video CD (VCD) or SVCD?

These are formats that are popular in Asia and you may find them at some stores in the US. The picture detail and sound quality are oftentimes poorer than DVD.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RDV-1040 | RDV-1045 | RDV-1050 | RDV-1060 | RDV-1080 | RDV-1092 | RDV-1093

What is an SACD disc?

SACD is a high-resolution audio disc format that was developed by Sony and Philips Electronics. SACD is designed to provide high-resolution audio in both stereo and surround sound modes up to 5.1 channels. Not all discs will contain both stereo and surround tracks as this is dependent on the disc itself.

The SACD format uses a process known as Direct Stream Digital (DSD) to encode audio. DSD has a sampling rate of 2822.4kHz and the resolution is 1 bit. SACD recordings can have a wider frequency and dynamic range than conventional CDs.

SACD discs can be one of three types:

  • Hybrid - This type of SACD contains an SACD layer compatible with SACD players, as well as a CD layer which is compatible with most standard Red Book CD players.
  • Single-layer - This type of SACD contains only one SACD layer compatible with SACD players, and does not contain a CD layer. This type of SACD will not play in a standard CD player.
  • Dual-layer - This type of SACD contains two SACD layers for additional data, and no CD layer. This type of SACD will also not play in a standard CD player.

The most typical connection to an audio system for an SACD player is via 6-channel analog connections, thus allowing the SACD player to decode the high resolution audio in the player and stream it to the audio system in an analog format. All current Rotel surround receivers and processors provide an analog multichannel input that would allow connection of an SACD player.

Due to the large bandwidth required to transmit HD audio, the only digital cable with sufficient bandwidth to allow digital streaming of SACD audio is HDMI. However, most HDMI devices will not decode SACD as decoding a DSD signal requires a dedicated circuit solely for the purpose of SACD audio decoding. However, several players that do allow digital streaming of SACD discs will provide an option to convert the digital audio into a more standard PCM digital format, which is a standard digital audio signal that is compatible with most devices.

Modelos aplicáveis:
CD14 | RCC-1055 | RCD-06 | RCD-12 | RCD-1070 | RCD-1072 | RCD-1520 | RCD-1570 | RDV-1040 | RDV-1045 | RDV-1050 | RDV-1060 | RDV-1080 | RDV-1092 | RDV-1093

What is DAB?

DAB is a digital radio technology used for broadcasting radio stations. It is used in several countries, mostly in Europe. The transmission uses the MPEG-1 Audio Layer 2 (MP2) audio codec to encode the audio for transmission. Most stations broadcast at 128kbps bit rate, although higher rates are possible such as 192kbps.

A newer format, DAB+, was announced in 2006 and went into effect in 2007. DAB+ uses a more efficient audio codec (HE-AAC v2), which means stations broadcasting in DAB+ can get better sound quality with a smaller bit rate, as low as 64kbps. DAB+ is not backwards-compatible with older DAB radios, so new hardware is required in order to receive DAB+ transmissions.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RCX-1500 | RDG-1520 | RT-09 | RT-11 | RT-12 | T11 | T14

What is damping factor?

Damping factor (DF) refers to the ratio of internal impedance of the amplifier to the speaker system. Simply stated the DF is the ability of the amplifier to allow the speaker cone to return to its mean static state as soon as possible, from the momentum generated from a singular pulse. So, if the amplifiers damping factor was very low, the speaker cone would oscillate about its mean static position before it came to a standstill. This then adds coloration to the sound field, which is undesirable.

On the other hand, if the amplifier's internal impedance is high, the speaker cone would encounter resistance on rebound and then continue to bounce about its static mean position until it finally comes to rest. The amplifier then acts like a trampoline for the speaker cone... perhaps desirable for those who like boomy bass, but less desirable for those who want precision. An amplifier with a high damping factor (greater than 20 DF), is able to absorb the energy generated by the cone rebound, and thereby allows the speaker to return to its mean static position as quickly as the speaker design will allow.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A10 | A11 | A12 | A14 | RA-02 | RA-05 | RA-05SE | RA-10 | RA-11 | RA-12 | RA-1060 | RA-1062 | RA-1070 | RA-1520 | RA-1570 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RAP-1580 | RB-1050 | RB-1070 | RB-1072 | RB-1080 | RB-1090 | RB-1091 | RB-1092 | RB-1510 | RB-1552 | RB-1552 MkII | RB-1562 | RB-1572 | RB-1582 | RB-1582 MkII | RB-1590 | RKB-250 | RKB-2100 | RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1075 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1077 | RMB-1085 | RMB-1095 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512 | RMB-1565 | RMB-1555 | RMB-1575 | RMB-1585 | RSX-1055 | RSX-1056 | RSX-1057 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1065 | RSX-1067 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562 | RX-1050 | RX-1052

What is HD Radio?

HD Radio technology allows participating broadcasters to provide you with a higher fidelity digital AM and FM signal. Additionally, HD Radio stations often offer additional channels of content that is not available on the standard FM broadcast.

The digital signal is broadcast using a proprietary audio compression codec called HDC (High-Definition Coding). Current FCC rules also require stations to simulcast the same audio signal in analog as well, so if the primary digital signal is lost, the HD Radio receiver will revert to the analog signal, thereby proving seamless operation.

For HD AM broadcasts, the stations can choose broadcast rates between 40-60kbps, with most stations using the 40kbps as this method is more robust and less likely to cause dropouts due to signal strength issues. In theory the increased bandwidth on the AM band allows for AM radio at FM radio quality.

The FM HD broadcasts allow options to carry 100, 112, 125 or 150kbps of data when simulcasting with an analog signal. The system also has the capability of several pure digital modes up to 300kbps, however at the moment this would require a change to the current FCC ruling requiring the station to simulcast the signal in analog before stations can broadcast in pure digital.

FM stations also have the option to subdivide the digital audio streams into sub-channels (i.e. 87.5 HD1, HD2, etc.), which is often done to allow for more variety from one station. Each individual sub-channel can have its own audio quality from CD-quality (100kbps), FM-quality (25-50kbps), AM-quality (12kbps), or Talk-quality (5kbps).

For full information and to find stations in your area with HD please visit http://www.hdradio.com.

Modelos aplicáveis:

What is HDCD?

HDCD (High Definition Compatible Digital) is an audio format that, by using a special method of encoding and decoding, allows for more audio information to be stored on a disc than is available on a standard CD, while still remaining compatible with a standard CD player as well. In order to gain the sonic benefits of HDCD either the CD player or the receiver the CD player is connected to must be able to decode HDCD.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RCC-1055 | RCD-1070 | RCD-1072

What is Input Bussing?

Input bussing allows the signal from one input to be bussed across to other inputs without requiring multiple input connections. This feature is often used in multichannel custom installation amplifiers. It reduces the cost of multiple cables and time during installation.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512

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