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Why does Rotel not support THX?

When it was initially introduced THX released a set of tight standards that helped promote better theater sound. Manufacturers that wanted to have this logo on their product had to submit it to THX for testing and certification. Today, it is not under the same ownership and the standards have evolved to include different levels of performance. While it was a genuine "Good Housekeeping" symbol for theater components in the early days, it does not have the same status today and many manufactures, including Rotel, do not believe it adds anything but an additional licensing fee to the equipment.

Why does the Network Wakeup option no longer appear in the Rotel menu?

The Network Wakeup option was a feature that kept the network circuits active while the rest of the unit was in Standby mode so the device could be powered on over a network connection using IP control.

Recent power regulations mandate that while in Standby mode a product can draw no more than 3W of power and will further lower the maximum allowed draw to 2W in 2019.

As a result of these new regulations, it is regrettably no longer possible to retain power to the network circuitry while in standby mode as this would draw above the maximum allowed power. The Network Wakeup option has been removed from the setup menu for units sold in the UK and EU markets.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RAP-1580 | RC-1572 | RC-1590 | RSP-1576 | RSP-1582

Why does the Quick Power Mode option no longer appear in the Rotel menu?

The Quick Power mode option was a feature that kept the network circuits active while the rest of the unit was in Standby mode so the device could be powered on over a network connection using IP control.

Recent power regulations mandate that while in Standby mode a product can draw no more than 3W of power and will further lower the maximum allowed draw to 2W in 2019.

As a result of these new regulations, it is regrettably no longer possible to retain power to the network circuitry whilst in standby mode as this would draw above the maximum allowed power. The Power Mode option has been removed from the setup menu for units sold in the UK and EU markets.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RAP-1580 | RC-1572 | RC-1590 | RSP-1576 | RSP-1582

Why does the unit power off when listening to an analog input?

Several Rotel models feature an Auto Power Down Timer option that will allow the unit to power off automatically after a specified period of time with no signal or activity.

In certain Stereo models, the sleep timer circuitry cannot detect analog signals and so it reacts as if the unit is not in use and shuts down after the timer expires.

The default power off setting is 20 minutes of inactivity for products sold in the UK and EU markets - this setting is based on a recent EU requirement to reduce power consumption. All other regions default the power off timer to Disabled.

In either case above, the timer setting can be easily set or disabled via the Setup menu for the unit. We would recommend disabling this feature if you intend to use the device with analog sources such as Turntable or a Tuner.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A12 | A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RC-1572 | RC-1590

Why does the unit power off when listening to my Phono input?

Several Rotel models feature an Auto Power Down Timer option that will allow the unit to power off automatically after a specified period of time with no signal or activity.

In certain Stereo models, the sleep timer circuitry cannot detect analog signals and so it reacts as if the unit is not in use and shuts down after the timer expires.

The default power off setting is 20 minutes of inactivity for products sold in the UK and EU markets - this setting is based on a recent EU requirement to reduce power consumption. All other regions default the power off timer to Disabled.

In either case above, the timer setting can be easily set or disabled via the Setup menu for the unit. We recommend disabling this feature if you intend to use the device with analog sources such as Turntable or a Tuner.

Modelos aplicáveis:
A12 | A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RC-1572 | RC-1590

Why doesn’t the RR-969 remote change sources on my Rotel model?

The top two rows of buttons on the RR-969 remote are not used to change sources on the Rotel device, they are used to select the various devices in your system that your RR-969 has been programmed to control.

To switch sources, first make sure you have selected the AUD device button on the top row of the RR-969. Then slide the drawer open on the remote, and the first two rows of buttons below the drawer will allow you to switch between the different inputs on the Rotel device.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RA-1070 | RC-1090 | RSP-1066 | RSX-1065

Why doesn’t the source name on the right side of the front display change when the input is changed?

The source on the right hand side of the front display is the Record source. These models allow the simultaneous recording of one source while listening to another source, using any of the record outputs available (Tape Out, Video 1-3 Out). The record source can be changed by either pressing the REC button on the front panel followed by the desired source, or the ZONE or REC button on the supplied remote.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RA-1070 | RC-1090 | RSP-1066 | RSX-1055 | RX-1050

Why is there both an input and an output 12 volt trigger connection?

This is provided for convenience should the system have more components that use a 12 volt trigger connection than available 12 volt trigger outputs from the preamplifier.  The 12 volt trigger output on the amplifier allows the 12 volt trigger signal to be daisy-chained from the amplifier to another component.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RB-1080 | RB-1090 | RB-1091 | RB-1092 | RB-1510 | RB-1552 | RB-1552 MkII | RB-1562 | RB-1572 | RB-1582 | RB-1582 MkII | RKB-250 | RKB-2100 | RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1075 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1077 | RMB-1085 | RMB-1095 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512 | RMB-1565 | RMB-1555 | RMB-1575 | RMB-1585

Why won't my RDV-1092 or RDV-1093 DVD player upscale component video to 1080p?

Component video can support a maximum resolution of 1080i. An HDMI connection is required to display a 1080p video signal. Additionally, many DVD movies are copy-protected which limits the maximum allowable analog video resolution to 480p for copy-protected discs unless an HDMI connection is used.

Modelos aplicáveis:
RDV-1092 | RDV-1093

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