Frequently Asked Questions

What is "TV MODE" and "AMP MODE" on my Rotel surround receiver?

The TV MODE and AMP MODE setting on several Rotel products is a feature that would allow you to choose whether you want the sound for your system to play through your Home Theater speakers or through your TV's built in speakers. This may come in handy if for example you are watching TV late at night and don't want to have the theater system on as it may be too loud or dynamic.

When the system is in AMP MODE it operates as you would expect, when the system is on audio is routed to your home theater speakers as expected.

When the system is in TV MODE, all audio output from the Rotel receiver is muted, and instead the audio is sent out the HDMI output of the receiver to be played through your TV speakers instead.

You can switch between AMP and TV mode via the On Screen Menu (VIDEO/HDMI menu), or using the PIP and POP keys on the RR-1061 remote as well.

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