Can I rack mount this product?
Yes, optional rack ears are available for this model and can be ordered through your local Rotel dealer or purchased via our online Parts Store.
RA-1520 | RA-1570 | RB-1552 | RB-1562 | RB-1572 | RB-1582 | RC-1550 | RC-1570 | RC-1580 | RC-1590 | RCD-1520 | RCD-1570 | RDG-1520 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512 | RMB-1565 | RSP-1570 | RSP-1572 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562
Can I save stations selected on www.rotelradio.com to presets on my Rotel internet radio tuner?
Yes, select the station in 'My Stations' to make it active then store it to an open preset of your choice using the MEM key on the remote control.
RCX-1500 | RDG-1520 | RT-09 | RT-12
Can I stream audio to my Rotel preamp using the Network connection?
No, the RJ45 Network input on this model is only for integrating your Rotel device into a control system via IP control, and for updating the internal software of the unit.
A14 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RAP-1580 | RC-1572 | RC-1590 | RSP-1576 | RSP-1582
Can I upgrade the software on my surround receiver or processor to HDMI 1.4?
Rotel models that originally supported HDMI 1.3 such as the RSX-1550, RSX-1560 and RSP-1570 can now be upgraded to the latest software to support 3D video passthrough, thus making them HDMI 1.4 compliant.
Unfortunately, the hardware and software on older HDMI 1.1 models such as the RSX-1057, RSX-1058 and RSP-1069 cannot be updated to support HDMI 1.3 or 1.4.
RSP-1069 | RSP-1098 | RSP-1570 | RSP-1572 | RSX-1057 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562
Can I use another software program to manage my music instead of Windows Media Player?
The RDG-1520, RCX-1500, RT-09 and RT-12 will recognize any third party UPnP program however we cannot offer support for these programs.
RCX-1500 | RDG-1520 | RT-09 | RT-12
Can I use my Mac computer to update the software on my Rotel?
Yes, but only if you install Windows OS on the Mac with software programs such as "Boot Camp." You should ask your authorized dealer however, to perform any software upgrades unless you are very experienced with doing this type of work.
RA-11 | RA-12 | RA-1570 | RA-1592 | RC-1570 | RC-1590 | RCD-1570 | RCX-1500 | RDD-1580 | RDG-1520 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RSP-1066 | RSP-1068 | RSP-1069 | RSP-1098 | RSP-1570 | RSP-1572 | RSP-1582 | RSX-1055 | RSX-1056 | RSX-1057 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1065 | RSX-1067 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562 | RT-09 | RT-1084 | RX-1052
Can I use Windows Media Player on my PC to stream to my Rotel internet radio tuner?
Yes, Windows Media Player works as a UPnP (Universal Plug & Play) server for the RDG-1520, RT-09 and RCX-1500 units. Turn on your computer, launch the Windows Media Player application, select "LIBRARY", followed by "Media Sharing" and select "Share My Media" to the Rotel Gateway. Consult the UPnP instructions in the Rotel owner's manual for further details.
RCX-1500 | RDG-1520 | RT-09 | RT-12
Can Rotel amplifiers be bridged for mono operation?
At this time no current Rotel amplifier models offer bridged mono operation.
The only Rotel power amplifier design in recent history that offered this feature was the RB-1070.
RB-1050 | RB-1070 | RB-1072 | RB-1080 | RB-1090 | RB-1091 | RB-1092 | RB-1510 | RB-1552 | RB-1552 MkII | RB-1562 | RB-1572 | RB-1582 | RB-1582 MkII | RB-1590 | RKB-250 | RKB-2100 | RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1075 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1077 | RMB-1085 | RMB-1095 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512 | RMB-1565 | RMB-1555 | RMB-1575 | RMB-1585
Can Rotel integrated amplifiers handle speakers rated at 4 ohms?
Yes, but only if 1 pair of 4 ohm speakers is connected to the unit. If 2 pairs of speakers are to be used with the integrated amplifier using the speakers A and B terminals, they must both be 8 ohm impedance loudspeakers.
A10 | A11 | A12 | A14 | RA-02 | RA-10 | RA-11 | RA-12 | RA-1060 | RA-1062 | RA-1070 | RA-1520 | RA-1570 | RA-1572 | RA-1592 | RX-1050 | RX-1052