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What is Internet Radio?

It can be music, comedy, sports, or any kind of radio broadcasts that are streamed over the Internet in various bit rate forms, from low to very high quality. Internet radio may also be referred to as web radio, streaming radio, net radio, or e-radio. The ability to stream these signals over the Internet allows people to hear radio broadcasts from virtually every corner of the planet, a feat that is just not possible by using traditional radio transmitters. As of the writing of this FAQ list, there are nearly 20,000 Internet radio stations.

Dotyczy modeli:
RCX-1500 | RDG-1520 | RT-09 | RT-12

What is RDS?

Some tuners/receivers come equipped to display RDS (sometimes called RBDS or Radio Broadcast Data System), which is a text display, usually in the form of a song title, artist name, station call letters, or format. More adventurous information might include a scrolling message saying "be caller number 10 now and win $100!". RDS is widely used in Europe, where it was introduced in 1987 (It didn't debut in the U.S. until 1993). Not all stations use RDS, and those that do may not offer full RDS service. In addition, the functions may not work properly during poor reception. RDS features ordinarily include RDS search, format search (PTY), traffic announcement search (TA), emergency program reception, alternate frequency (AF), and automatic clock adjustment (CT).

Dotyczy modeli:
RSX-1055 | RSX-1056 | RSX-1057 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1065 | RSX-1067 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562 | RT-02 | RT-09 | RT-12 | RT-1080 | RT-1084 | RX-1052

What is signal sensing?

Signal sensing is most often a circuit that turns on the main power when a electrical signal is applied. An example is the auto-on function in a subwoofer or our custom installation amplifiers. When the receiver or preamp is turned on and an audio signal is present the subwoofer or power amplifier turns on. If there is no audio for a period of time, the amplifier will then shut off automatically.

Dotyczy modeli:
RB-1050 | RB-1510 | RKB-250 | RKB-2100 | RKB-650 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1048 | RMB-1066 | RMB-1076 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512

What is sum-to-mono?

Sum-to-mono combines the left and right audio input signals of the power amplifier to provide a mono signal output to the speakers. This is desired when there is no real need for a stereo pair of speakers such as in a narrow hallway, or in very a large open area such as a hall.

Dotyczy modeli:
RB-1510 | RKB-850 | RKB-8100 | RKB-D850 | RKB-D8100 | RMB-1506 | RMB-1512

What is the 'power option' in the settings menu of the RCX-1500?

If you select <Quick> from the menu when you then turn the product to standby the last item that you were listening is retained. Accordingly, when you press standby again the product will start up at the last item that you were listening to. Keep in mind that this means you will continue to consume broadband usage when the product is configured in this mode. Although pre-selected, you will have to restart music files being played by the Media Player or from CD; this is normal.

Dotyczy modeli:

What is the Amplifier Redirect feature on my Rotel receiver for?

Many Rotel surround receivers include an amplifier redirect feature that allows you to customize your amplification based on your system.

For 5 channel receiver models, the redirect feature means it is possible to connect a more powerful amplifier for the Front Main speakers while the front channels of the receiver are “redirected” to power the Center Back speaker(s) in the system.

For the 7 channel receiver models RSX-1067, it is possible to utilize the built-in center back amplifiers of the RSX-1067 to power a set of speakers in a second zone when the home theater is configured for 5.1 audio.

For the 7 channel receiver models RSX-1560 and RSX-1562, in addition to redirecting the center back amplifiers to one of the remote zones, another option is to redirect these amplifiers to power the front channels in a biamp configuration, so you can utilize 2 channels of amplification per speaker.

Dotyczy modeli:
RSX-1055 | RSX-1056 | RSX-1057 | RSX-1058 | RSX-1067 | RSX-1550 | RSX-1560 | RSX-1562

What is the bitrate and frequency of the RDV-1040’s video digital to analog converter?

The RDV-1040 utilizes a high-bit/high-sampling 10-bit 54MHz video digital to analog converter.

Dotyczy modeli:

What is the bitrate and frequency of the RDV-1050’s video digital to analog converter?

The RDV-1050 utilizes a high-bit/high-sampling 12-bit 108MHz video digital to analog converter.

Dotyczy modeli:

What is the bitrate and frequency of the RDV-1060’s video digital to analog converter?

The RDV-1060 utilizes a 12-bit/54MHz video digital to analog converter.

Dotyczy modeli:

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