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Sep 2021

Qualcomm Internet Radio Service Termination Notice

Qualcomm discontinued support for their Reciva based Internet Radio services on September 13, 2021.  The server shutdown terminates Internet Radio services for all Qualcomm Reciva based products. Affected Rotel models include RDG-1520, RT-09, RT-12, RT-1570 and RCX-1500. 

Rotel is investigating if the affected models can be updated to utilize alternate radio services.  

August 2021

Qualcomm Service Discontinuation Update

We have been informed by Qualcomm the web services utilized for all Qualcomm Reciva based radios in Rotel products listed below will be terminated effective Sept 6, 2021. Products that have not updated to the minimum software version ending in -007 will not be able to upgrade after the servers shut down date.

May 2021

Important Update for owners of Rotel Internet Radio Products based upon the Qualcomm Reciva platform as listed below:

  • RT-1570
  • RDG-1520
  • RCX-1500
  • RT-09
  • RT-12

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