Frequently Asked Questions
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I access Sirius radio stations?
How do I access Sirius radio stations?
Effective October 1, 2015, SiriusXM stopped supporting version 1.0 of their internet streaming protocol. This is the protocol Rotel internet radio tuners utilized for streaming SiriusXM services. Due to the protocol change by SiriusXM, Rotel internet radio tuners will no longer be able to receive and play these stations. We apologize for any inconvenience.
You must have the "Premium CD quality internet radio" upgrade on a Sirius account for it to work with the RDG-1520 or RCX-1500.
This guide is intended for users who cannot connect their Internet Radio to Sirius. The common error is the radio will display "change password or username" after the user types in their Sirius user name and password in the Internet radio. Please use the following as a guide to assist in trouble shooting your connection to the Sirius premium internet radio service:
- Verify your Internet radio is connected to your broadband internet network.
- Verify that you can listen to other internet radio stations i.e. Non Sirius radio stations.
If you cannot listen to other radio stations or you cannot connect to your broadband internet network then you will need to first resolve those issues BEFORE trouble shooting your Sirius connection. - Verify that you currently have Sirius "Premium" internet radio service. The Internet radio will not connect to the standard Sirius Internet radio service. You must upgrade to "Premium" Internet radio service (also known as CD-quality internet radio Sirius package) before attempting to enter in your Sirius user name and number in your radio.
To Verify you have Sirius "Premium" Internet radio service you can call Sirius or log on to the Sirius media player on your computer and verify that you have both standard and premium internet radio service. You can check by going to this link:
When the media player launches there will be two icons: a standard icon and a premium icon. If you are able to toggle back and forth between the standard and premium icons on the Sirius media player on your computer and play music on your computer when the Premium icon is chosen then you have premium CD quality service. If the media player does not play music when you press the premium icon you will need to upgrade to the service which is $2.99 per month (as of July 2009 - price is subject to change). You can update your Sirius package at
The package is "Upgrade to CD quality sound". Simply press the "Upgrade now" button. - Verify that your Sirius User name or Password is typed in correctly. Please ensure you do not have a blank (an empty space) in the front of your user name or password. Your Sirius password is UPPER and lower case sensitive. When you enter your Sirius user name and password on the radio please note that the 1st set of letters displayed on the radio are all UPPER case letters. Please scroll to the right until you see the 2nd set of letters on the display. These letters will be lower case. Choose the lower case letters when required (Your Sirius user name and password may have a mixture of lower and UPPER case so you will have to scroll between the two different sets of letters on the radio).
After you enter in your user name then choose "end" which is to the left of the list of the upper case letters, or press the "Reply" key on the remote or front panel. Then enter in your password and choose "end" or hit "Reply" again. You should now see the Sirius station line up.
Note: Sirius Premium Internet radio service is not available outside the continental US.